Got Wood?

I don't know about you; but I'm tired.  Tired of waking up with frozen tears crusted to my cheeks; fog spewing from blue-tinged lips....the wife maintains the thermostat setting is fine.  Tired of headlines advertising what the market bears for a barrel of crude; I shouldn't really need to know that.  I'm tired of crouching behind curtained windows as the fuel truck beeps its way into my drive and vigorously sates my boiler's thirst.

As I stepped out into the warmth of this autumn morning ( warmer than the house ) I see trees everywhere.  Tall, short, skinny, stout, oak, ash, maple and...what the hell is THAT one?  I don't care......I bet it'll burn.

Minutes later, I'm circumnavigating the perimeter wall of my home in search of an appropriate flue portal.  I'm gettin' all flushed just considering the notion of flippin' OPEC the bird.  My wife, ever the voice of reason reminds me that a traditional wood-burning stove carries with it many concerns.  There's the hauling, the splitting, the ashes, the dust, the creosote in the chimney extended to two feet beyond the highest roof-liine and carbon monoxide to consider.

And it seems that whatever method I choose to heat my home....the by-product of burning is Carbon Monoxide...a culprit worse than a check-writing-wife.

All kidding aside...Carbon Monoxide Kills! Here's how it works; the oxygen carrying component of those beautiful concave discs known as red blood cells is hemoglobin.  Although I believe it to be a terrible design flaw, hemoglobin, nevertheless, has a greater affinity for CO versus O2.  What that means is, a healthy set of lungs in a room full of oxygen and carbon monoxide, will eagerly consume the CO first.  This in turn, diminishes our supply of oxygenated blood to our vital organs and well....we've all read about how those stories end.

Bottom Line...if in an effort to stay warm, you're burning wood, coal, propane or kerosene...please remember to have a high-quality CO moniter on every level of your home.  Regarding your Wife?'re on your own...



Mark Bond
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